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Re: COE Document


In article <n1399743612.14225@epic.org>, banisar@epic.org ("Dave Banisar")

Here are some thoughts.


>                        Recommendation No. R (95) 13

> Recommendations No. R (87) 15
> regulating the use of personal data in the police state and
> Recommendations No. R (89) 9 on computer-relating crime,

The countries of the EC are police states and admit to it in an official


> 3. During execution of a search, investigating authorities should have the
> power, subject to appropriate safeguards, to extend the search of other
> computer systems within their jurisdiction which are connected by menas of
> a network and seize the data therein, provided immediate action is
> required.

If the computer to be searched is connected to the Internet, any other
computer connected to the Internet and located in the same country may be
searched as well without requiring a second warrant.

> 12. Specific obligations should be imposed on service providers who offer
> telecommunications services to the public, either through public or
> private networks, to provide information to identify the user, when so
> ordered by the compentant investigating authority.

Remailers will be outlawed.


> V. Use of Encryption 
> ---------------------
> 14. Measures should be considered to minimise the negative effects of the
> use of cryptography on the investigation of criminal offenses, without
> affecting its legitimate use more than is strictly necessary.
GAK is comming.

The new world order is unmasked: a gobal police state. Folks, it is time
to buy some rifles and lots of ammunition. Oh, I forgot, over there in
Europe you can no longer buy any. Seems the political leaders have thought
- ---
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