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Re: FV's Borenstein discovers keystroke capture programs! (pictures at 11!) [NOISE]


Hello [email protected] (David Macfarlane), [email protected]
  and [email protected]
        (ie Bruce Murphy <[email protected]>)
BM wrote:
> In message <9601292041.AA14422@zip_master2.sbi.com>, 
>   David Macfarlane wrote:
> If secure input is needed then it shouldn't be too much of a
> problem. I doubt the program would recognize either of INTERCAL input
> or output (as a random example)

Original INTERCAL had numbers spelled out in English as input, and
output in butchered roman numerals. I guess you can get people
to do the input (four or eight digits at a time only), but I don't think
the roman numerals are going to cut it, somehow...  and anyway it's
not that much more secure.

C-INTERCAL is less anglo-centric, allowing numbers to be input in
eight languages (eight = ashtan = zortzi = walo = chicue = rva =
malhgwenalh = j"ol). But do you really think people will be willing
to spell their credit-card number in classical Nahuatl for the
sake of security (the *bank's* security)?

If you mean INTERCAL as a programming language, then I guess you
can use the C-INTERCAL binary I/O (character deltas, output reverse),
but then it's no different to any other programming language (except
nobody bothered to implement file and network I/O for it yet so you'd
have to invent it yourself).

> > And before pm. says it, this has very little to do with
> > cryptography.
> Or trees.

Well, how about security through INTERCAL? Would anyone be able to
figure out what an INTERCAL encryption program is doing?

What does the following fragment do?

        DO .3 <- !3~#15'$!3~#240'
        DO .3 <- !3~#15'$!3~#240'
        DO .2 <- !3~#15'$!3~#240'

(Hint: it's from the "cat" program, ie copy stdin to stdout verbatim.)

Anyone have a bignum library in the said language?

For the person who was worried about his Linux box, perhaps the 
virus runs under WINE? (And you *know* how dangerous these viruses
can get when they are drunk :-)

I think I'll put [NOISE] into the subject line...

- --
If you want an answer, please mail to <[email protected]>.
On sweeney, I may delete without reading!
PGP 463A14D5 (but it's at home so it'll take a day or two)
PGP EF0607F9 (but it's at uni so don't rely on it too much)

Version: 2.6.2i
