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Oklahoma City - One Year Later - The Coverup Continues !

     Suggested Reading:
     Oklahoma City - The Suppressed Truth 
     By Jon Rappoport
     Blue Ocean Press
     2633 Lincoln Blvd., Suite #256
     Santa Monica, CA 90405
     (213) 243-9005
     copyright 1995
     $12 (post paid)
     At 9:02 AM on April 19, 1995, the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma 
     was damaged in an explosion that also left 168 dead and 600 injured. 
     If you
     look closer at this case, as investigative reporter Jon Rappoport has, 
     start asking some questions about the "official' story:
     The damage was supposedly caused when thousands of pounds of a fuel 
     oil and
     fertilizer mixture was ignited in a truck parked near the building. 
     about "oil and water never mixing". This mixture would have to be 
     stirred or mixed just before use. It would also have to be detonated 
     any air spaces, such as the gaps between the fuel drums, in order to 
     Even if the mixture detonated, it should leave traces of oil. none was 
     Even if it detonated perfectly, the explosion was 3 times too weak to 
     the building's reinforced concrete support columns.
     Especially column "B3". This column was sheared off at the 3rd floor 
     Only a shaped charge placed directly on the column at that level would 
     able to cause this to happen. That section of the column was cut out 
     removed as evidence. Will we ever see it again at the trial ?
     Local seismometers noted *two* explosions, 10 seconds apart. This was 
     "explained away" as reflections of the explosion by underlying rock 
     Ask a geologist if this sort of time delay has ever been observed 
     before you
     decide if someone is "underlying".
     What ever happened to "John Doe #2", seen with Tim Mc Veigh that 
     morning ?
     What happened to John Doe's #3 and #4, seen leaving the area soon 
     after the
     Speaking of Tim, why (if the official story is true) did he advise the 
     officer who stopped him that he had a concealed weapon ? Supposedly, 
     he just
     killed 168 people, including 19 children. What's one more if it means 
     could get away ?
     And what about Terry Nichols ?
     He was advocating killing Federal employees at a public meeting in 
     Estes, CO
     a year before the bombing. The FBI is very efficient, yet no one seems 
     have paid any attention to Terry to prevent loss of life.
     What about the reported financial links to the bombing, not from right 
     causes, but from the Brittish Government ?
     Finally, what happens if and when the truth comes out in open court at 
     and Terry's trial ? One could guess that the real suppressed story 
     will be
     one more casualty of the bombing.
     Unless we demand that someone explains column "B3".
     It *can* happen here - and it *did* a year ago !
     Book "review" by
     Stephen S.
     [email protected]