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ILF, SAC chapter [was Yadda Yadda Re: Oklahoma City- One Year Later]


On Wed, 17 Apr 1996 [email protected] spammed:

>      Suggested Reading:
>      copyright 1995
>      $12 (post paid)

Wrong. Information longs to be FREE.

You don't need to pay money for right-wing paranoid rants anymore. You can
now get this title, and many other random wacko publications, for postal
and duplication costs only from the copyright terrorists of the Sub-Aryan
Corps, in loose cooperation with Not_By_Me_Not_My_Views Publishing. I
believe the referenced piece goes for $2.25. Send cleartext inquiries and
offers to The Hare <[email protected]>. Please note that Hare cannot
accept messages larger than 32K.

For a partial listing of materials available from the SAC/NP, send $2 to
National Vanguard Books, PO Box 330, Hillsboro WV 24946. All materials in
the National Vanguard Catalog are immediately available from SAC/NP for
75% off the price quoted by National Vanguard Books. SAC/CP charges no
sales tax.

Discussion of possibly illegal activities should be sent PGP-encrypted to
Presidente Dante <[email protected]> ONLY. Dante's public key is
available on all the keyservers.

Coming attractions from the Sub-Aryan Corps:

* Audiocassettes from the latest private meetings of the Michigan Militia,
  National Alliance, and Knights of the KKK.
* Communication between Neo-Nazi leader Willis Carto and various front
  groups, such as the Institute for Historical Review and the Liberty
* Detailed financial disclosure statements from Ernst Zundel, Willis
  Carto, William Pierce, Ingrid Rimland, the White Aryan Resistance,
  Milton Kleim, Don Black, "Reverend" Schoedel, and Samisdat Publishing.

- -rich
 no longer a member of the SAC, but a big fan

Version: 2.6.2
