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Re: nCognito is Dead.. (fwd)


You can add SSZ (ssz.com) to the list. We accept anonymous accounts at
standard rates ($10/mo. for 12 mo.). This includes a web-page. Contact
'[email protected]' for further information.

We are currently supporting the Austin Cypherpunks Anonymous Remailer
project. If you would like more information please contact:

[email protected]

                                      Jim Choate

       "Reality is observer dependant"
                                \   \\/////
                                    |     | 
                                    (.) (.)

         Tivoli an IBM company                  CyberTects: SSZ
         Customer Support Engineer              SOHO Consulting/VR/Robotics

         9442 Capitol of Texas Highway North    1647 Rutland
         Suite 500                              #244  
         Austin, TX 78759                       Austin, TX  78758

         Email: [email protected]              Email: [email protected]
         Phone: (512) 436-8893                  Phone: (512) 259-2994
         Fax:   (512) 345-2784                  Fax: n/a
         WWW:   www.tivoli.com                  WWW: www.ssz.com
         Modem: n/a                             Modem: (512) 836-7374
         Pager: n/a                             Pager: n/a
         Cellular: n/a                          Cellular: n/a


Forwarded message:

> From [email protected] Mon May 27 00:10:29 1996
> Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 21:58:08 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Rich Graves <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: nCognito is Dead..
> In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.93.960526182121.413B-100000@gak>
> Message-ID: <[email protected]>
> X-PGP-key: finger [email protected]
> X-URL: http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~llurch/
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Sender: [email protected]
> Precedence: bulk
> To the honor list of ISPs accepting of free/anonymous speech, add:
> dhp.com
> shellback.com
> l0pht.com (not exactly an ISP, though...)
> I'm maintaining a list of sorts at
> http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~llurch/potw2/