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Re: Why Jodi Hoffman must be called a 'Dumb Cunt' and told to 'Go Fuck Yourself' at all costs, by TruthMonger

At 05:45 PM 11/3/97 -0500, Jodi Hoffman wrote:
>TruthMonger wrote:
><snipped, because it's basically a lot of crap>
>Feel better?  I certainly hope so.
>By the way...for whatever it's worth:
>#1...I'm Jewish, not a Nazi-loving Christian bitch.

Jews, of all the people on this planet, should be the last to burn books.
We have always been a nation of scholars and readers, and the only reason
we still exist as a people is because we kept our books sacred. A Jew may
violate any commandment to save his own life, save one -- he may not
desecrate the Torah. Our culture survived through two millennia of
persecution because we had books with which we kept it alive. That you are
a bookburner is sickening to me.

Please, convert or something. I have an Uncle who would be glad to tell you
all the benefits of becoming a Christian. The Muslims would probably love
you, too. Or consider Buddhism. Anything. Please. I admit to being an
agnostic, to eating pork, to never knowing quite when Yom Kippur is...but I
still have some tiny, thin, shreds of pride in my ancestry and my heritage.

>#2...You have no idea who or what I am.  

You are a bookburner. That is enough for me.