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Re: Why Jodi Hoffman must be called a 'Dumb Cunt' and told to 'Go Fuck Yourself' at all costs, by TruthMonger

Jodi Hoffman <jlhoffm@ibm.net> wrote:

>By the way...for whatever it's worth:
>#1...I'm Jewish, not a Nazi-loving Christian bitch.

This makes you a Nazi-loving Jewish bitch. I concur in Monger's assessment
of you as a Dumb Cunt. To expand on this, nearly every position you take is
fascist -- to pick one at random, you accuse the American people of physical
flabbiness. Now, who -- in the nineteen-thirties -- abhorred such flabbiness
in the German people & made a show of public exercise rituals:

1. Jewish Intellectuals.
2. Nazis.

Not a coincidence, either. Sedentary activities include reading, discussion,
writing, &c. -- all abhorred by fascists. Yet you claim to oppose fascism.
Dumb cunt. & this is the most trivial example.

>#2...You have no idea who or what I am.  

To a degree, true. But apply the principle to others: you know as little, or
less, about me than I know about you. Stop trying to dictate my life.

>#3...You hate that I'm right.  I love that.

You're right? Sorry, I must have missed that. Was your post cyphertext?

>"Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed." 
>- Darth Vader

Yes, Darth Vader was a card-carrying member of the ACLU.


The final elegance, not to console
Nor sanctify, but plainly to propound.