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SF Bay Area Parties
- To: Cypherpunks <cypherpunks@toad.com>
- Subject: SF Bay Area Parties
- From: edgar@spectrx.Saigon.COM (Edgar W. Swank)
- Date: Mon, 23 Nov 92 15:31:09 PST
- Comments: Liberty!
- Organization: SPECTROX SYSTEMS (408)252-1005 Silicon Valley, Ca
Cypherpunks <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Extropians <extropians@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
Libernet <libernet@dartmouth.edu>
Since all the above groups, of which I am a member, are not known
for sponsoring social functions, I suggest we co-opt the Pen SFA
parties. Their latest "Winnie" newsletter is attached. Please note
and follow "rules". I especially recommend the 12/26 party.
PGPers, bring your printed public keys for exchange.
If you like these parties, please sign up for free E-Mail distribution
of your own copy of the newsletter, as I will not post it every month.
=================Copy of Newsletter follows==========================
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 92 12:51:33 PST
Subject: Winnie the POO #380
Winnie the POO #380, November 21, 1992
Published for the Peninsula Science Fantasy Association by its
commander, Rich McAllister, 149 Webster St, Palo Alto, CA 94301.
(415)328-2741. rfm@Eng.Sun.com.
Winnies are available by US Mail at 5/$2, or via electronic mail
(Internet/UUCP/CompuServe/FIDONET) free. If you're mailing payment make
checks to Rich McAllister, or send stamps. I prefer stamps, so I'll give
you one issue for each 29 cent stamp you send, and eat the repro cost
myself. The number above your name on the label is the number of the
last Winnie you will receive unless you Do Something. A 999 means you
get Winnie by trade.
PenSFA standard party rules: bring something edible or drinkable to
share, or pay the host $2. Don't smoke in the house without checking
with the host first. Normal start time is 8PM.
We will not have a second November meeting because of Silicon. NOTE:
SILICON IS NOT AT THE RED LION! (This seems to be a well kept
secret.) Silicon is at the Westin Santa Clara. This is the hotel
between Techmart and the Santa Clara Convention Center. (It used to
be the Doubletree.) Take the Great America Parkway exit from 101, go
past Great America; as soon as you cross the trolley tracks, you're
there. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I probably won't be there to
organize a PenSFA event. I suggest interested folks meet at 6PM
Saturday in the lobby for a dinner expedition.
Party at Danny Low's, 1460 San Marcos Circle, Mtn. View. (415)964-0688.
Standard time, 8PM, standard rules. Easy to find with a map.
Potluck at the home of Keith Henson and Arel Lucas, 1794 Cardel Way,
San Jose, CA. (408)978-7616. 5PM start. Standard party/potluck
rules: bring dinner and munchies/drinks if you come early, or just
munchies/drinks if you come at 8PM. Keith offered to fire up the BBQ,
weather permitting, but I wouldn't count on it.
NEW DIRECTIONS (road construction has made the old directions
obsolete.) Directions: From 280, take 17 south to Camden Ave exit.
Go under freeway, follow Camden east. Turn south from Camden on Leigh,
go two lights south to Los Gatos Almaden road, left and almost to
where it ends in a T is Elrose. Left onto Elrose and another
immediate left onto Cardel Way. We are near the end at 1794.
Mike Ward is having a New Year's party again, and again all PenSFAns
are invited. 1181 Martin Drive, San Jose. 408-298-3269.
Future Meetings: NOTHING SCHEDULED until 3/6-MIke Ward. As always,
contact the Commander to take a date.
edgar@spectrx.saigon.com (Edgar W. Swank)
SPECTROX SYSTEMS +1.408.252.1005 Silicon Valley, Ca