Cypherpunks Threads for 1992 11
- PGP vs RSA,
Jim McGrath
- Public image...,
Tom Jennings
- Privacy etc.,
George A. Gleason
- request,
- Update on Crypto Session at Hackers,
Timothy C. May
- another service,
Norm Hardy
- Please remove me from the list,
- random numbers,
- a cryptographic deal with the devil,
Efrem Lipkin
- random numbers (resend),
Peter Shipley
- 1993 RSA Data Security Conference,
- No Subject,
Mike McMahon
- Analysis of cost to produce random serail generator.,
John Draper
- Hackers Conference Report,
Timothy C. May
- Random number generators,
Eric Hughes
- Mac PGP version,
Eric Hughes
- Mac PGP,
Bob Stratton
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- mac pgp,
Eric Hollander
- Remove my name please,
Erik Stensland
- (fwd) A Silver Bullet to Limit Crypto?,
Timothy C. May
- a name for cryptographic currency,
Eli Brandt
- My responses regarding random generator.,
John Draper
- PGP problems with large key rings?,
Phil Karn
- Mac PGP - Some comments,
John Draper
- DC 2600 -- Secret Service Involvement?,
The Omega
- DC 2600 mtg,
Bob Stratton
- Subscribe,
Garo Sassouni
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Don Bellenger
- cypherpunk-request,
Barry Kapke
- IRC Bot,
The Omega
- The Crypto Singularity,
Timothy C. May
- How to subscribe,
- Rander box and other stuff,
John Draper
- Rander box,
Eric Hughes
- Rander box and other stuff,
Perry E. Metzger
- Re: Rander box and other stuff,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Rander box and other stuff,
Bill Stewart
- re: Rander box and other stuff,
Tom Jennings
- Re: Rander box and other stuff,
Jordan Hayes
- Re: Rander box and other stuff,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Rander box and other stuff,
George A. Gleason
- Re: Rander box and other stuff,
- re: Rander box and other stuff,
Tom Jennings
- Re: Rander box and other stuff,
George A. Gleason
- re: Re: Rander box and other stuff,
Tom Jennings
- Re: Rander box and other stuff,
George A. Gleason
- Datalink encryption,
Darren Reed
- Hackers, Crackers,
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Hackers, Crackers,
Jordan Hayes
- Re: Hackers, Crackers,
FutureNerd Steve Witham
- Re: Hackers, Crackers,
FutureNerd Steve Witham
- Hackers, Crackers We always used to distinguish hackers from crackers. But cracking reveals the cracks in a way that nothing else does. It makes them real, sometimes laughably or painfully so. Electronic privacy is currently a joke. It's bad. You need to know what kinds of attacks you're trying to defend against. I used to think those arguments were rationalizations. Now I'm glad there are people who know this stuff, who are actually doing it. Some of "them" are on what I think of as the good side, and "we" need that kind of knowledge, if only as an occasional splash of cold water, a spur (to switch metaphorical, er, horses in mid, um, stream).,
E. Dean Tribble
- Anonymous return addresses,
- Rander box,
John Draper
- Rander,
John Draper
- PGP portability,
John Draper
- re: Take you off,
- The legality of PGP,
S.E. Brown
- PGP 2.01 2.02,
S.E. Brown
- 1/3 Cryptography bibliography,
tom jennings
- 3/3 Cryptography bibliography,
tom jennings
- Some organizational trivia to consider,
John Draper
- cypherpunks mail list.,
Keith Basil
- What's More Important?,
Timothy C. May
- test message,
- Re: Apple including PKS?,
- Extortion Explosion,
- Why remailers...,
- Chaum's papers,
Karl L. Barrus
- The Dining Cryptographers Protocol,
Timothy C. May
- Nuking CD's,
- Cryptographer jailed for selling crypto to political opposition?,
- Balancing National Interests,
- Unsubscribe,
Michael Gleibman
Darren Reed
- November 21 meeting, 12 noon, at Cygnus offices,
Eric Hughes
- Digital Cash bibliography,
Tim Oren
- Idea on Random Number Generators,
Hugh Daniel
- Re: IP bouncers,
tom jennings
- Re: Random Numbers Boxes and Cypher Processers,
Timothy C. May
- Any suggestions on what to do with this junk?,
O'Hara Walter
- a patently false rumor,
- re:,
Tom Jennings
- damn: sorry,
Judith Milhon
- Request for more detail,
Edgar W. Swank
- PGP to SMTP mailer,
McGrath, James
- Finally back,
John Draper
- IP Bouncer.. source included.,
- Anymous Remailers and Newsposters,
- Re: Anonymous Reply...,
- How far is to far?,
- Some proposals to consider,
John Draper
- Another remailer,
Bill O'Hanlon
- Re: Some proposals, Anonymous mailers,
David Clunie
- Lots of work to do.,
John Draper
- The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Eric Hughes
- Re: The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Brad Huntting
- Re: The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Bill O'Hanlon
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Eric Hughes
- The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Eric Hughes
- Re: The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Russell E. Whitaker
- re: The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Tom Jennings
- The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Fen Labalme
- The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Fen Labalme
- Re: The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Ittai Hershman
- Re: The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
Tony Kidson
- Re: The Cypherpunks Mail Project,
John W Noerenberg
- Encrypting all mail and the protection of..,
Chris Beaumont
- transport,
Eric Hollander
- NSA readings,
- Apology,
Bill O'Hanlon
- Re: "Young Men's Crypto Association," (YMCA),
George A. Gleason
- Problems with remailer,
Edgar W. Swank
- Crypto Glossary,
Timothy C. May
- The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto,
Timothy C. May
- Status on Mac PGP,
John Draper
- Remailer ideas,
FutureNerd Steve Witham
- Scenario for a Ban on Cash Transactions,
Timothy C. May
- Mailing-list,
Julian Dibbell
- Question about the MacPGP,
Fan Li TAI
- virgin key,
Imaja, David Del Torto,PAS
- One Mac feature I'd like,
David Krieger
- The List is YOURS, So Speak Up!,
Timothy C. May
- DC-NETS & bibliography request,
Mark W. Eichin
- An Anonymous Contribution...,
Timothy C. May
- RS232 Crypto Dongle (idea for widely accessible crypto technology),
Yanek Martinson
- Re: CypherPunks Mailing list,
David Clunie
- SF Bay Area Parties,
Edgar W. Swank
- Secure PK swapping.. what are the methods?,
- Re: Private E-mail (re: Ban on cash transactions),
Yanek Martinson
- Remailers...,
- An easy-to-reply anonymous mail scheme,
Yanek Martinson
- Re: anonymous reply,
Yanek Martinson
- Electronic Banking,
Hal Finney
- Re: Electronic Banking,
Timothy C. May
- Electronic Banking,
Eric Hughes
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Electronic Banking,
- Re: Electronic Banking,
Tony Kidson
- Re: Electronic Banking,
George A. Gleason
- Re: Electronic Banking,
Rich Mezirka
- Re: Electronic Banking,
Richard Childers
- Re: Electronic Banking,
Tony Kidson
- Re: Electronic Banking,
Richard Childers
- Re: Electronic Banking,
George A. Gleason
- Re: Electronic Banking,
Hal Finney
- The age of the engineers...,
- Unlabelled PGP messages,
Hal Finney
- News item,
Bruce F. Webster
- RE: PGP on local machine (was Re: MacPGP),
- chip verification ( Was: Tollhouse Cookies :-),
Richard Childers
- advantages of RS-232 based crypto device,
Yanek Martinson
- neat features that could be added to the crypto dongle,
Yanek Martinson
- Steve Kent on certification trust paths,
- Sharp Wizard as a Crypto Dongle?,
Timothy C. May
- using personal organizers or palmtops for crypto,
Yanek Martinson
- Remailer at rebma,
- Failed Fail Report,
- Mac PGP report and Rander progress,
John Draper
- Cypherpunks List (fwd),
Timothy C. May
- Subscription,
Jay Dugger
- Re: chip verification ( Was: Tollhouse Cookies :-),
George A. Gleason
- The NSA Backs Down!!,
Phil Karn
- Re: Returned mail: User unknown,
Deus Ex Machina
- (fwd) 8052-Based Crypto Engine,
Timothy C. May
- credibility & pseudonyms,
Efrem Lipkin
- Cypher Bank,
Don Bellenger
- ping,
Don Bellenger
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: ping,
Deus Ex Machina
- List is partially broken,
Don Bellenger
- Welcome message for cypherpunks-announce,
Eric Hughes
- ...,
Dave Robison
- More cypher bank,
Don Bellenger
- More comments on dongles,
Phil Karn
- Keys & Signatures,
John Gilmore
- PGP with license,
Norm Hardy
- Classified info and other stuff.,
John Draper
- Re: comments on Don's "Cypher Bank",
Richard Childers
- Re: ping..mailing list integrity..,
Richard Childers
- verification of posting,
Richard Childers
- How Far is Too Far,
Alan Hunter
- FutureCulture FAQ,
Yanek Martinson
- Detailed Scenario of Dongle Usage,
Yanek Martinson
- unsubscribe,
- Misc. Items,
- bounced mail,
Eric Hughes
- John Gilmore & NSA,
Norm Hardy
- CFP93 information (fwd),
Yanek Martinson
- Paranoia and Cypherpunks,
Timothy C. May
- Re: Crypto Dongle...,
Yanek Martinson
- credibility and banking,
Richard Childers
- George Gleason speaks out about cryptography: Today 2PM Berkeley.,
John Gilmore
- "gleason speaks at CPSR...",
George A. Gleason
- crypto banking,
Karl L. Barrus
- Remailer followup,
Edgar W. Swank
- Re: Secure key exchange,
Edgar W. Swank
- crypto dongle design problems,
Marc Horowitz
- thoughts on digital cash,
Marc Horowitz
- Please...,
- unsubscribe messages,
Marc Horowitz
- Some hacked scripts for the remailers,
Bill O'Hanlon
- my key signing policy, signed,
Pat Farrell
- cypherpunks mailing list structure,
Bill Stewart
- My key policy signed.,
Pat Farrell
- Re: remailers,
Fen Labalme
- tutorial needed,
Tom DeBoni
- USSC Cases Available,
tom jennings
- Rumors of your existence,
Joe Thomas
- 386des wanted,
S.E. Brown
- John Gilmore on CNN,
Timothy C. May
Mail converted by MHonArc