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Remailer ideas
The mail handling stuff we discussed at the last cypherpunks meeting
will implement what you requested. The particular thing that hadn't
occurred to me in what you said is that a mailing list supplier could
provide those extra services of anonymity in a way very accessible to
users of the mailing list. That could make such anonymity slightly
easier to spread.
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Hackers, Crackers We always used to distinguish hackers from crackers. But cracking reveals the cracks in a way that nothing else does. It makes them real, sometimes laughably or painfully so. Electronic privacy is currently a joke. It's bad. You need to know what kinds of attacks you're trying to defend against. I used to think those arguments were rationalizations. Now I'm glad there are people who know this stuff, who are actually doing it. Some of "them" are on what I think of as the good side, and "we" need that kind of knowledge, if only as an occasional splash of cold water, a spur (to switch metaphorical, er, horses in mid, um, stream).
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An Anonymous Contribution...
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Remailer ideas
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Scenario for a Ban on Cash Transactions
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