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3/3 Cryptography bibliography

    * Forwarded by Rich Veraa
      To:  All                        Message #:  367
    From:  Ed Beroset                 Submitted:  10 Nov 92  20:41:08
 Subject:  3/3 cryptographic bibliog     Status:  Public
Received:  ** New Message Read! **        Group:  80XXX (17)

-+--- continued from previous message -----

TITLE : Advanced military cryptography /
AUTHOR: Friedman, William Frederick, 1891-.
IMPR  : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1976.

TITLE : Elementary military cryptography /
AUTHOR: Friedman, William Frederick, 1891-.
IMPR  : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1976.

TITLE : Elements of cryptanalysis /
AUTHOR: Friedman, William Frederick, 1891-.
IMPR  : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1976.

TITLE : Statistical methods in cryptanalysis /
ED    : [Rev. ed.]
AUTHOR: Kullback, Solomon.
IMPR  : Laguna Hills, Calif. : Aegean Park Press, c1976.

TITLE : Mathematical recreations & essays /
ED    : 12th ed.
AUTHOR: Ball, Walter William Rouse, 1850-1925.
IMPR  : Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press, [1974]

TITLE : Elementary cryptanalysis; a mathematical approach.
AUTHOR: Sinkov, Abraham, 1907-.
IMPR  : [New York] Random House [c1968]

-+--- end of listing -----

I think that you'll find there's a lot more useful information out
there, just waiting for you at your public library.  The U.S.
Government can also be a useful source of information, as are trade
and technical journals and hobbyist magazines.  

-> Ed <-

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