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Re: why pgp sucks

Derek Atkins says:
> The point is to have a centralized, distributed key distribution
> mechanism, similar in concept to the PGP Public Keyservers, but which
> scale much much better.  The concept is similar to a DNS of PGP keys
> (think of the DNS model, not the DNS implementation) where you have
> keys distributed based upon site.  For example, MIT could server MIT's
> keys, and CMU would server CMU's keys.
> This does not go against PGP in any way.  In fact, it augments PGP
> wonderfully.  How else would we be able to have a world-wide white
> pages of PGP Public Keys?

Unfortunately, the current PGP practice of using only numeric key-ids
in message packets makes it hard to do this -- sigh. I hope that
the next version of PGP changes this.
