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Re: 50 attacks... [NOISE]
Someone abused "Frederick B. Cohen"'s reputation by making him write :
> > there is no way to do this in practice because as RSA-based signatures
> > are actually implemented only hashes are signed. This is done exactly to
> > prevent this and similar attacks.
> And how secure is the hash?
By design choice, "Very secure"...("the difficulty of coming up with
any message having a given message digest is on the order of 2^128
operationssee end")
> It it possible to create values that will
> hash to each prime (or something else that does the job)?
> Is the hash
> something we can figure a way to precompute using massively parallel
> processing so that we can then provide a set of codes which will produce
> the desired results? (etc.)
Why wouldn't you try to answer the questions yourself before mailing
random thought ?
see RFC1321 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
and numerous reviews...
Maybe I was being just "tested" and should not have replied :/
Laurent Demailly * http://hplyot.obspm.fr/~dl/ * Linux|PGP|Gnu|Tcl|... Freedom
Prime#1: cent cinq mille cent cinq milliards cent cinq mille cent soixante sept
Uzi security Marxist NSA ammunition NORAD FSF