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Mixmaster On A $20 Floppy?

On Jan 05, 1996 19:06:21, 'Adam Shostack <[email protected]>'
>	Towords the goal of making Mixmasters in a box, I've written 
>an installer script for mixmaster.  If you're running on one of the 
>supported platforms (alpha, bsdi, hpux, linux, sunos, solaris), the 
>script will walk you through everything from the make to setting up 
>cron jobs & /etc/aliases. 
>	If you've been putting off setting up a remailer because its a 
>pain, give this a shot.  Lance will probably be including it in the 
>next release of mixmaster, but you can get it now by sending me a 
>message with the Subject: get mix-installer. 
>	Comments, bugs, bug fixes are welcome.  Thanks to Rich $alz 
>for a extensive comments & suggestions for portability. 
I've reports that the latest version of SyQuest's external parallel port
EZ135 "floppy" drive is due on the shelves this month. Also reported is the
ability to effectively boot off the thing, and thus run whatever OS resides
on the SyQuest "floppy" rather than an OS that has to be on the host's hard
drive partition. 
Weight, under two pounds. Price ~$US250. Capacity 135 Mb formatted. Price
of spare disks: $US 20. 
Take it off a computer. Put it in a briefcase. Carry it with you nicely out
of public view. Hook it up to another machine and .... 
Question 1: Can you fit linux, pgp, mixmaster, etc. on the 135 Mb disk and
have enough useful space left over for a useful amount of data? 
Question 2: Anybody want to speculate on what traffic analysis is like when
encrypted data comes INTO one known Mixmaster site but goes OUT on one or
more "unknown" or (partially) random Mixmaster sites? 
Question 3: Anyone want to speculate on what data recovery is like when
encrypted data and the horse it rode in (and out) on has all been
physically destroyed at a replacement cost of only $US20? 
     -- tallpaul 
     -- "If they think you're crude, go technical; if they think you're
technical, go crude." 
                           William Gibson 
                           "Johnny Mnemonic"