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Re: Protocols at the Point of a Gun

> At 9:48 4/10/96, Duncan Frissell wrote:
> [...]
> >We know that governments would like to impose things like the Simple
> >Tax Transfer Protocol on the Net as well as Is A Person (and Is A Minor)
> >Protocols.
> There is one thing about the proposed minor flag addition to IP that I
> don't understand. [No, I am not surprised by this. Mandatory authorization
> to establish a connection and an "Internet Driver License", probably in the
> form or a smart card are coming].
> If my computer creates the IP packet, what is there to prevent me from
> modifying the value of the "Minor/Adult" flag at my leisure?

In the future, you will have to sign all packets (with a key
conveniently available from verisign and noone else).

Just kidding. =) 
