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Re: Anguilla - A DataHaven?

On Thu, 15 Aug 1996, William Knowles wrote:

> Something that I thought would make an excellent data haven would
> be older offshore oil platforms, Their size would allow extended

	These used to be the recommended way to go. 

	If you have the cash, the cheapest way to go, is to just
	buy an island somewhere, and setup shop.   << Can I
	suggest buying Redonda?   >>

> (possibility for becoming its own country?) and with the hoops

	CF:   _How to create your own country_  distributed
	by Loompanics Press, for some of the problems that 
	are encountered in trying to do this. 

> oil platform.  You have to wonder how cheap these could sell 
> for just to get them off the oil companies hands? 

	Starting bids are roughly $10^6 each.


        [email protected]

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