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Re: Just Say "No" to Congress

On Wed, May 14, 1997 at 10:39:00PM -0700, Lucky Green wrote:
> >FYI, here are two bills that Feinstein introduced recently:
> Sigh. She is my Senator. [Don't blame me. I voted against her. But she hits
> the feelings of the Bay Area head on. "Big brother will bring you
> multi-cultural happiness." She is such a hypocrite. Even carried a gun
> after Moscone and Milk were shot and she thought herself in danger. Once
> she felt safe again, she went on TV and said that if she could get the
> votes in the Senate for total confiscation she would push for it. What's
> good for the goose...]

While I am not fond of Feinstein for various reasons, there is no
contradiction whatsoever in someone carrying a gun, and also working
to outlaw them.  You deal with the realities of the world, and try to
make them better.  It would be a contradiction only if she succeeded
in outlawing them, and continued to carry one. 

She is no more hypocritical than "anarchists" who continue to milk 
the state and society in which they live.

Kent Crispin				"No reason to get excited",
[email protected]			the thief he kindly spoke...
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