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Re: IRS sending warning notes, violating ECPA?
On Wed, 23 Jul 1997, Kent Crispin wrote:
> Actually, nothing whatsoever separates Tim from sheeple.
> As anon clearly points out, Tim toes the line with his speech,
> carefully avoiding saying anything that escapes constitutional
> protection. In fact he frequently sprinkles his posts with comments
> pointing out that some outrageous thing he just said is
> constitutionally protected.
> And Tim doesn't have to worry about an employer, unlike the "corporate
> types" he mentions, but he (as he noted in a recent post) pays his
> taxes like everyone else. He said, as I recall, that he of course
> didn't like paying, but essentially that it was too much trouble to
> avoid it. Tim sees the Man, and Tim knows who's boss.
> Yes, Tim talks a brave talk. But, though the parameters of his
> slavery are different than most of ours, he is part of the flock,
> nonetheless.
I don't see you doing anything "braver" by your definition. Let's see you
do something to fight the system. I do however hear you spread the Big
Brother party line, I do see you lick the shit off your lips and say
"Hmmmm, Hmmmm, NSA's butthole tastes real mighty good, yessir, I reckon."
What Tim does is Tim's business, I neither defend or refute. However, I do
see you running at the mouth with these grand "Tim's Chicken" lines while
you're not even doing shit. All we have ever heard from you is pro-GAK
party line.
What's your agenda, trying to get us to actually break the law and wind up
in the slammer? Wouldn't that be your dream come true, get all the
cypherpunks in jail, problem solved. I wonder how much the NSA is willing
to pay you if you accomplish that task for them. Care to share the
numbers with us? Asswipe! Get back under your government paid rock.
.+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian | "If you wanna touch the sky, you must |./|\.
..\|/..|sunder@sundernet.com| be prepared to die. And I hate cough |/\|/\
<--*-->| ------------------ | syrup, don't you?" |\/|\/
../|\..| "A toast to Odin, | For with those which eternal lie, with |.\|/.
.+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"| strange aeons, even death may die. |.....
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