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Re: (off-topic--delete now) Re: Search warrants and Senate hearing o

Michael Sims wrote:
> Declan wroted: 
> > Somebody writ:
> > >The free market approach won't keep medical records private.
> >
> > We haven't tried that approach yet, at least in the late 20th
> > century.
> > In other words, the reason a "free market" approach may not work
> > right now is because the market isn't free.

> Declan, every part of the "health-care market" that people are
> complaining about, the parts of it that routinely and for fiscal
> reasons violate people's privacy, are completely and utterly
> dollar-driven and do not result from big nasty government making any
> laws.

  Right. And you're going to use examples pertaining to huge 
health industry corporations who exist only because of the mountains 
of government regulations which keep small health care providers
from providing simple, sane market options.

>  That HMO...
> huge insecure insurance databases...
> Oh, there are a few examples of government-caused...

  Do not pass GoFuckYourself. Do not collect 200 Reputation Capital

  The totality of today's medical profession and health care system
*is* 'government-caused.'
  You can't piss in a pot you keep under your bed without violating
a hundred laws from the Health Department to the EPA to...
  Kiss your child's 'stubbed' toe 'better' and you'll end up in prison
for unlawfully practicing medicine.

> The US has the closest to a free-market in health-care information of
> any of the industrialized nations.

  Earth to Michael! Earth to Michael...

> Gawd, libertarians complaining about a market failure.  I may cry.

  No. Libertarians complaining about government perversion of a
free market.
  If you cry, make sure you wipe those tears with a towel that meets
government standards. (Cost: $3,000.00)
