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Re: (off-topic--delete now) Re: Search warrants and Senate heari

Truthmonger (wombat.sk.sympatico.ca []) wrote:

>   Do not pass GoFuckYourself. Do not collect 200 Reputation Capital
> Credits.

Now let's see here.  You've posted to this list (F-C) a half dozen 
times in the last few months, each time with a different name and 
with a different and invalid return address.  And you speak of 
reputation capital?  Go tell your mommy you've been bad.

>   The totality of today's medical profession and health care system
> *is* 'government-caused.'

I see you've succumbed to the tunnel vision, selective blindness of 
the libertarian sect.  Repeat after me: just because we live in a 
society with a government, doesn't mean that everything you don't 
like is the government's fault and that all problems will be solved 
by the mythical free-market beast if only the evil government would 
leave it alone.

> > The US has the closest to a free-market in health-care information of
> > any of the industrialized nations.
>   Earth to Michael! Earth to Michael...

Feel free to point out a counter-example.  I wrote quickly, and 
without research - perhaps I'm wrong.

-- Michael Sims