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Orthogonal (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 05:05:07 +0100 (MET)
> From: Anonymous <[email protected]>
> Re: Orthogonal
> Oxford English Dictionary Word and Language Service
> Do you have a query about words, their
> origin, meaning, use, spelling, pronunciation,
> or any other aspect of the English language?
> Then write to OWLS at Oxford University Press,
> Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, England.
> All queries willl be answered using the full 
> resources of the Oxford Dictionary Department.

Like the rest of the mentaly mastubatory on here, you missed the *entire*
point of my original question.

How did the word get there, NOT what the word means. I KNOW what and how
to use the word.

Some of you people are fucking worthless for anything other than baiting.

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   |                                    Killroy                         |
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