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Re: US versions of Netscape now available


[I've wanted, and tried (honest!) to stay out of this emerging
flamewar, but David Sternlight <[email protected]> wrote:


>It doesn't "leak overseas" as if there were some regrettable lapse in the
>plumbing. Someone has to commit a felony violation of Federal law.

Also known as "civil disobedience," a dangerous concept which
is probably being taught today in civics classes in highschools
across the nation. [HORRORS!]

On a more serious note, I think that the requirements on the
Netscape download page might actually be a "Good Thing," since
they expose the public, in an election year, to the info-lust
of the GAK crowd in a way that cypherpunks alone never could.

I, too, wish that "my life as an arms trafficker," or the CJR
book/t-shirt requests, or some of the wilder stuff like Vince's
export-a-cryptosystem-to-Anguilla page were linked to Netscape's
page discussing ITAR requirements, but I fully understand that
Netscape is a business and that they must deal, on a continuing
basis, with the government. The government officials whose jobs
depend on stupid regs. can be rather humor-impaired.

Regards, Jim Ray -- DNRC Minister of Encryption Advocacy

"It is long past time to end the laughable presumption that voters
 who can easily cope with the choices offered at Burger King are
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 -- me

 Defeat the Duopoly! Vote "NOTA," not Slick/Dull in November.
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Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Freedom isn't Freeh.
